Book The Studio
Rentals are paid in full at the time of booking and are final sale. They are non-refundable and can not be rescheduled. Please double check your date, time, and chosen rental are all correct before submitting. Rental time includes set up, shoot time, and clean up. Do not enter the suite before your start time, and you must have the room cleaned up and exit by your end time.
The Cottage, The Loft, The Atrium, The Villa, The Warehouse, The Seasons, The Lounge and The Salon are all cleaned up from Christmas and refreshed for the New Year! Please review our rental pages to see updated photos of all spaces here.
The Gallery is currently closed and undergoing a large remodel coming up next! Check back soon to see the updated space!
Our online scheduler closes out 24 hours in advance - all rentals must be booked before that deadline! If you have a situation that requires you to book less than 24 hours in advance, you can reach out to us to see if we can accommodate that with a $25 administration fee.
WAREHOUSE RENTERS : Keep the papers clean! No shoes or cake smashes on the papers. Please contact us before your rental if you need to request a $25 cut fee for your project. You can not cut paper without permission.
COTTAGE RENTERS : There are NO overhead lights in The Cottage. Please make sure you check sunset time prior to your booking and bring your own lighting if desired.***THIS ROOM HAS CHANGED TO A NURSERY!! SEE PHOTOS ABOVE!